Egyptian Mau Breed Council


Egyptian Mau Breed Council Meeting

June 30, 2017  6PM



Attending: Jill Archibald, Karen Bishop, Laurie Coughlan,  Tim Fowler, Pat Summers and Melanie Morgan (BCS)

bulletCongrats to this year’s winners – two National winners – for the first time ever 5th generation NW mother and son in same year and fifth and sixth generation NWs.  Two DMs, eleven RW and twenty one new grands. 
bulletBreed booth – last year travelled to Garden State, National Capital, CFA International Cat Show, Crab and Mallet, GEMS/Sternwheel and Hidden Peak.This year a similar schedule is projected with GEMS, and The CFA International confirmed.
bulletGEMS Breed Summit July 27-28, 2019 - all welcome. Once again having all classes of Egyptian Maus judged together and Best of best awarded in all allbreed rings.  Special evaluation class will be open to all Egyptian Maus. Limit ten.  Breed Workshop Saturday immediately following show for Maus  and evening program to be determined. 
bulletBAOS International Show – Need cats for BAOS at International
bulletPK Deficiency -  We continue to track, but to date  no signs of symptomatic cats.  Recommendation to only breed NK cats to NN,
bulletAmmonium Urate project - Leslie Lyons is willing to try to get a study approved.  She is still looking for samples. Cheek swabs are okay.  Information on how to supply samples on this site and on Facebook page Egyptian Maus Ammonium Urate project. 
bulletRegistration by pedigree – process continues with numbers holding steady at approx 6-10 per year.  Biggest problem comes from applications using pedigrees from Non-approved association.  
bulletBreed Council Secretary meeting with CFA Board – went over agenda items                                            








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Link to Urate study information